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Night Prayers from Rev Simon Leigh

w/c Monday 12th October 2020

Monday 12th: Psalm 4, Isaiah 30:15, Lk 2.29-32. Tuesday 13th: Psalm 143, Matt. 11:28 to end. Wednesday 14th: Psalm 31:1-5,19 to end. 1.Peter 5: 1 to end. Thursday 15th: Psalm 16. 1.Peter 1:1 to end. Friday 16th: Psalm 139: 1-18. 1.Thess.5:9-10. Saturday 17th: Psalm 100. Lk 12: 16-31. Sunday 18th: Psalm 103. Col.4: 7 to end. Lk.10:1-9. Blessings, Simon

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