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Dear One and All,


The Bude and Holsworthy Methodist Circuit is committed to the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and vulnerable adults. The circuit recognises the serious issue of the abuse of children and vulnerable adults and maintains a stringent and robust safeguarding policy which is reviewed and updated annually.


If you have any suspicions or concerns regarding the safety of any child or vulnerable person please contact the police on 111 or in the case of emergency the 999 system should be used.


The Circuit Safeguarding Officer for Adults and Children, Mr Christopher Smith or the Superintendent minister, Revd Dr Simon H Leigh should always be informed when a referral is made to police, social services or other safeguarding agency. The Plymouth and Exeter District Safeguarding Officer, Mrs Chrissie Slaney is also available for consultation.


Additional guidance on safeguarding can be found here Safeguarding (


As ever,


The Circuit Safeguarding Team.

Bude and Holsworthy Methodist Circuit
Safeguarding Policy 2023.
Hard copies of this policy can be found at each church.


Useful links

The Methodist Church Safer Recruitment Policy

Consent Forms

Model Consent Form for Use of Photography and Video, Children and Young People 13 +

Model Parents/Carers Consent Form for Use of Photography and Video

Bude Methodist Church

Ergue Gaberic Way



EX23 8LA


telephone 07763 811757

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Holsworthy Methodist Church

Bodmin Street​



EX22 6BB



Bude and Holsworthy Safeguarding:

Mr Christopher Smith: Mobile 07807 664553                  Home 01409 254457.

Revd Simon H Leigh: Mobile 07814 027354                      Home 01409 691065.


Plymouth and Exeter Methodist District Safeguarding:


Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH /Devon):    0345 155 1071


Multi Agency Referral Unit(MARU/ Cornwall):

0300 123 1116.


Devon and Cornwall Police: 999 or 111 (Non emergency)


Bude and Holsworthy Methodist Circuit registered charity number 1129530

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