Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th December 2020

Something really special is taking place on 5th & 6th December, 7pm each night! Thousands will tune into South West Carols which sets to be the biggest festive carols and nativity event in the South West. We all know 2020 has been WAY different than anyone imagined but there’s one thing can all look forward to - Christmas! Our first ever South West Carols event will be a celebration of all the GOOD things that take place at this wonderful time of the year as we remember the reason for the season. With regional and headline musical performances including from London Community Gospel Choir, Wildwood Kin, Lucy Grimble, Exeter Cathedral Choir, South West Musicians, and more. Plus, the South West’s biggest ever nativity with participants from schools all over the region. Watch LIVE at www.southwestcarols also Facebook and YouTube.
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