w/c Sunday 20th September 2020
Readings to be used in the pattern of night prayer 20th September to 26th September, 2020.
Sunday 20th: Psalm 119. Daniel 5. Ephesians 4:25-6.21.
Monday 21st: Psalm 106. 1.Chronicles 29:9-17. 1.Tim:6-19.
Tuesday 22nd: Psalm108. Esther chapter 4. John 14:15 to end chapter.
Wednesday 23rd: Psalm 114. Esther 6 and7. Jn.15.
Thursday 24th: Psalm 119: 1-32. John 16:1-15.
Friday 25th: Psalm 119: 73-104. John.16: 16 to end chapter.
Saturday 26th: Psalm 119: 145 to end chapter. John 17.
This last week I have been on-line in a virtual world of Zoom conferencing and lectures at St. Johns' College, Durham University. It is a twice yearly gathering of students engaged in doctoral studies in theology and ministry, which is normally held in person in Durham. People, lay and ordained, come from all over the world and our group includes Americans, Africans, Australians, Hong Kong Chinese and those from Malaysia, Singapore and Europe; there's even one from Cornwall. The voices of those participating including distinguished professors make a joyful sound before God. All of us are trying to discover more of the wonder of God through our own particular field of study and in so doing, seeking to share these discoveries with the communities from which we come.
The week is exhilarating and for those of us presenting our research, it can be nerve jangling as others dissect our work. It is however, a creative and inspirational contribution to our collective and individual Christian journeys. For me these sessions are like a new Pentecost, world voices praising God and then going out into the world to share the wonder of Christ and Christian endeavour.
Every blessing,
Ps: My field of study is in the theology and ethics of Wesleyan discipline in early Methodism and its influence on the contemporary British Methodist Church